MS-888 Relax Light    舒  壓  燈 

General electronic products are operated by hands. Our voice recognition items can let user simply operate our products by saying the commands.  

It could be seen as a simple Artificial Intelligence product.



White noise or brown noise is like a wall, masking the interference of environmental noise, can make the brain not feel the change of the environmental sound, so that you can sleep better when you sleep lightly and it is not easy to wake up.

白噪音 或 棕噪音 就像一道牆壁,掩蓋環境噪音的干擾,讓大腦感覺不到環境聲音的變化, 讓淺眠的你更好入眠,不容易被吵醒。


We recommend listening to 6 different kinds of relaxed music, and then choose to listen to white noise or brown noise, so that you can relax and eliminate noise, help you sleep, double massage your brain, and improve sleep quality.

我們建議先聽6種不同輕鬆音樂,再選擇聽 白噪音 或 棕噪音,讓你 放鬆心情 又 除噪助眠,雙層按摩你的大腦,改善睡眠品質。



* 6 relaxing music, let you relieve stress, cheerful mood.
* Sleep Better, Reduce Stress, Improve Focus.
* Interactive guide via voice prompt.
* Up to 15 languages supported.
* Interactive voice recognition may use for clock setting.
* Set the sleep for 10~90 minutes with the auto-off timer.
* The secret is the soothing sound of white noise & brown noise. 
* Control brightness, change colors, set clock ,set alarm ,set sleep assistant and so much more.
* OEM/ODM service. 
* Power requirement: DC 5V/1,000mA
* Size: Dia.160mm x (H)190mm/Weight: 630 G
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